Scroll down to learn more about using our Cash App, our mailing address, & a very special thank you!
You may help the church financially in this pandemic by contributing in 3 different ways.
1. Holy Trinity Community Church now has a CashApp account. Our CashApp code is $HolyTrinityMemphis. Users must create a Cash App account to make contributions to our ministry. There is no fee for either party on this app & can be found at the Google Play Store for Android users or the App Store for iPhone users.
2. Click on the DONATE NOW button below. This will take you to our longstanding PayPal page.
3. Finally, you can always send in your tithe, gift, or offering by mail. Please send to: Holy Trinity Community Church PO Box 2991 Cordova, TN 38088. Your faithful contributions regardless are essential for our ability to proclaim the gospel. Thank you for your generous support of our mission and ministries.
Give, and it will be given to you.
A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap;
for the measure you give will be the measure you will receive (Luke 6:38).”
Dear members and friends of Holy Trinity Community Church;
This year, in the middle of the pandemic, Holy Trinity turned 31 YRS. old. While things have been different Holy Trinity has continued to do what Holy Trinity has always done. With your support we continue to share the lifesaving, chain breaking, prison shaking Gospel of Jesus Christ. We do this by creating community. Holy Trinity is a safe place where people find the healing they need. Lifetimes of trauma and painful experiences of judgment and exclusion are brought to rest under our unwavering belief in God’s freely given love & grace for ALL people. Holy Trinity is a spiritual emergency room for people who have been deeply hurt and rejected, most often by their families and faith communities. Holy Trinity is a workshop for the Holy Spirit that creates and supports families by chance, choice, and birth. People find themselves at Holy Trinity.
When all of us come together to praise God & care for the least of these, the power of God becomes a visible manifestation of love in our lives that carries the power to save. To save our lives, our sanity, our souls. When we see the power of God’s love moving in the lives of others, we are inspired to open our hearts and minds to let the Holy Spirit do the same for ourselves.
We feed others with the food pantry at Holy Trinity and our 901 Community Refrigerator. We create community with worship on Facebook and YouTube, emails, cards, letters, instant messages, texts, videos, & porch visits. We are a teaching church that attracts and nurtures people who are called to ordained ministry. We hand out Mc Donald and Kroeger gift cards and refer people in need to organizations across the city. We offer a hand up with our Benevolence Fund. We surround each other in prayer. I am privileged to remind members and friends who are going through hard times that they have an entire church standing behind them.
Thank you for your faithful support for the financial health and wellness at Holy Trinity. Your generosity allows us to learn time and again: “The more you give the more you will receive.” Your giving draws us together to participate in God’s healing love by offering extravagant grace, radical inclusion and relentless compassion for ALL. Thank you. Together, we are the difference.