We worship both online @ Holy Trinity Memphis on YouTube and Facebook and in-person every Sunday at 11 AM. In-person worship (at 685 S. Highland St.). With new CDC guidelines and Shelby County being considered a LOW risk community level, Holy Trinity Community Church UCC highly prefers and encourages masking and social distancing. This means that masks will no longer be required for worship and our God-Talk adult Sunday school. While many will find this change in our policy liberating, others will continue to wear masks and do so with the full support of the church. As always, every individual is responsible for determining what their levels of acceptable risk are in a world where Covid is ever-present. We also ask that if someone asks you to "move over" to accommodate social distancing that you do so with grace.
You are invited to reach out to HolyTrinityMemphis685@gmail.com with any pastoral needs, questions, comments, or concerns.
We believe that together united in our faith we are called to reach out and proclaim God’s unending love for all people.
To embrace the beatitudes and work tirelessly for the new heaven and the new Earth that our holy scripture keeps pointing us towards.
The dream of God, peace and justice flowing like a river, as revealed through Jesus for the love of all the world.
We believe Jesus didn't turn people away,
even those rejected by others.
We don't intend to either.
We are like a 'company of strangers,'
made family by the grace of God in Jesus Christ.
God welcomes all people.
God claims all people.
God loves all people.
If these words resonate within your heart join us in worship and ministry.
We are Holy Trinity Memphis. Together we are the difference.
Our common goal is to offer:
·A spiritual connection
·A place that affirms you & your family
·A place that values your questions & experience
·A place that makes a difference in the world
Come & join us in worship! Feel free to contact us at holytrinitymemphis685@gmail.com or 901-320-9376). We look forward to welcoming you home at Holy Trinity.
At Holy Trinity Community Church, every member is a minister of the church. We believe we are here to serve, not to be served. We embrace 5 core values. The Core Values of Holy Trinity Community Church are: Compassion, Inclusion, Liberation, Grace, & Faith in Jesus.
We are ministers who embody the tangible love of a savior who fed the hungry, healed the hurting, & told us bluntly that what we did to the least we did to him.
This is a value Jesus held. We believe Jesus came to include, not to exclude. All are welcome around God’s table.
We seek to challenge all oppression. By embodying grace, we live out our liberation until we are all set free.
We are people filled with joy & know the gifts of respect and acceptance because we believe God is gracious with us. With God, all things are possible. God can use us to transform the world for the better.
We believe Jesus was the incarnation of God’s grace. Jesus resisted the status quo of oppression & showed us the way to be the abundant life God intends for all people.
THE MISSION OF HOLY TRINITY COMMUNITY CHURCH is to participate in God’s healing love by offering extravagant grace, radical inclusion and relentless compassion for ALL.
We will live stream worship every Sunday at 11AM on our church Facebook: @ Holy Trinity Memphis. Once posted these videos will be able to be found and replayed or shared from our church Facebook page.
Monthly Potluck – last Sunday of every month after morning worship.
Interest in being part of our awesome choir - contact our Minister of Music, Patrick Pearson, at ppearson424@gmail.com with any questions or interests :)
Our Adult Sunday School, God Talk, meets in person on Sundays at 9:45 AM on our main level Adult Sunday School Classroom
685 South Highland Street, Memphis, Tennessee 38111, United States
Please call 901-320-9376 or email HolyTrinityMemphis685@gmail.com to arrange an appointment.